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Thawne was such a major fan that he actually used his knowledge of the Speed Force to travel back to Barry’s time to meet his hero. In Eobard Thawne’s time, Barry was a figure of the past that was looked on by many as the ultimate hero and inspiration, and by none more than Eobard himself. The original comic book Reverse-Flash, being a citizen of a distant future (actually the 25 th century in the comics instead of the 22 nd like in The Flash), knew of The Flash as a major historical figure. Since much of his motivation in the comics is based around people impeding his ability to further learn of the Speed Force, it’s possible that Barry and his team come into conflict with Reverse-Flash on an academic level as well as a physical one. It’s clear that even though Eobard is not “Zoom” as the series is concerned, he still warrants the “Professor” part of his comic book moniker.

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Wells) was certainly a genius scientist as he helped Barry become The Flash and continued extensive work at Star Labs. In The Flash, we know Thawne (when posing as Dr. Specifically, he killed several people who got in his way on his climb up the collegiate ladder. He actually used his time travel ability to advance his academic career. In the comics, Eobard Thawne was devoted to the study of the Speed Force, to the point were he discovered how to travel in time. And while we might not know much about Eobard yet, if we look to the comics there might be a few needed answers before the villain returns. So it makes perfect sense that the promo for next week’s episode sets up a chance for Reverse-Flash’s origin. We also know that he is a speedster from about one hundred years in the future. We know that he hates Barry Allen enough to try to kill him, and when unable to do so, to kill his mother instead. While Eobard Thawne was essentially the puppet master behind everything that went on in season one, we are never really given a sizable backstory. Now that Eobard Thawne is officially returning not only to the lives of our heroes but to his identity as Reverse-Flash it might be time to look back at what we really know about the villain. Labs team, with the help of Eddie Thawne, defeated Reverse-Flash by effectively erasing him from existence. The episode, titled “ The Reverse-Flash Returns,” brings (no surprise) Barry’s season one nemesis Reverse-Flash back to Central City and into the lives of Team Flash again.

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Next Tuesday, The Flash will push full force into the back end of the second season.

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Next week’s episode of The Flash promises a Reverse Flash origin as Eobard Thawne returns to the lives of Team Flash.

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